WordPress Update Scripti
Warning: mysqli_query(): (HY000/3): Error writing file '/tmp/MYrJeFCE' (Errcode: 28 - No space left on device) in /usr/share/nginx/html/syslogs/wp-includes/class-wpdb.php on line 2349
syslogs'un wordpress'ini her güncellemem gerektiğinde, bloga özel dosya ve dizinleri her seferinde manuel olarak taşımam gerekiyor. WordPress'in oto update özelliği de ihtiyaçlarımı tam olarak karşılamadığından dolayı kendime küçük bir wordpress update scripti yazayım dedim; sonrasında da başkalarına da lazım olabilir diye biraz daha eli yüzü düzgün ve genel geçer bir duruma getirdim.
Script'in kullanımı ve tam olarak yaptığı işlemler şöyle:
Öncelikle scriptin en tepesinde bulunan ve bir örneği aşağıdaki VARIABLES kısmını düzenlemeniz gerekiyor. Bu dizinde web sunucunuzun root dizininin neresi olduğu, backupların alınacağı dizinin neresi olacağını ve yeni wordpress paketinin nereye download edilmesini istediğinizi belirliyorsunuz. Özellikle web root path'i düzgün update için önemli bir değişken olduğundan doğru tanımlamanız gerekir.
# ----------------------------------------- # VARIABLES : # (Change these three values as your needs) # ----------------------------------------- www_dir=/var/www/vhosts # Where is your web root path ? backups_dir=/backups # Which directory that you want to place the backup files ? download_dir=/root # A directory for download and extracting wp files |
Ardından update edilmesini istediğiniz wordpress'in kurulu olduğu dizinin ismini scripti çalıştırken belirtiyorsunuz -ki update işlemi için bu de şart- Örnek olarak blogunuz /bisey/bisey/blogismi seklinde bir path'e kurulu ise scripti şu şekilde çalıştırmanız gerekiyor:
bash wordpress_updater.sh blogismi
Scripti belirtildiği şekilde çalıştırdığınızda, öncelikle web sunucunuzun ne olduğu (apache, nginx) belirleniyor, daha sonrasında da belirttiğiniz “blogismi”‘nden hareketle web sunucusunun configinden wordpress'in tam kurulum path'i tespit ediliyor.
Ardından yeni sürüm wordpress dizini, scriptin değişkenler bölümünde tam path'ini belirtimiş olduğunuz $download_dir ‘a indirilir ve gene değişkenler kısmında belirtilen www_dir'a (ki bu eski sürüm wordpress'in de bulunduğu ana dizin olmalıdır) blogismi-wp-sürüm-numarası ismi ile taşınır, Sonrasında eski sürüm wp dizinindeki wp-content ve bloga özel diger dosya dizinler (örn: .htaccess vs.) tespit edilip yeni dizine kopyalanır. Bu aşamada yeni ve eski wp dizinleri arasında yeni sürüm wp dosyaları haricinde fark kalmaz.
Son olarak eski wp dizini ve wordpress mysql database'i mysqldump ile yedeklenir ve web server configinden ilgili blog DocumentRoot yeni sürüm wordpress'in path'ini gösterecek şekilde değiştirilip; wordpress/upgrade.php tetiklenerek update tamamlanır.
![]() |
NOT: MySQL dump wordpress db kullanicisi ile alındığı için ilgili kullanıcının update, delete, insert haricinde örneğin LOCK gibi dump alabilmek icin gerekli yetkilere de ihtiyacı vardır; aksi halde dump işlemi başarısız olacak ve bu script çıktısında belitilecektir. Bu nedenle scripti çalıştırmadan önce yedeklerinizi manuel olarak almanızı önemle tavsiye ediyorum. |
RHEL ve Debian tabanlı dağıtımlar ve apache ya da nginx üzerinde çalışan wordpress'lerle uyumlu scripti http://www.syslogs.org/downloads/wordpress_updater.sh adresinden alabilirsiniz.
#!/bin/bash #title : wordpress_updater.sh #description : A simple wordpress updater script. #author : Cagri Ersen <cagri(dot)ersen(at)gmail.com> #date : 05.11.2013 #version : 0.2 #usage : bash wordpress_updater.sh sitename # The sitename has to be a part of the wordpress installation path like: /var/www/SITENAME/ # This is the most important thing since the script will detect the old wp installation directory # by using this value. (Also your web server must be up and running.) # # Old wp files and mysql db will be backed up to specified place if the db user has enough priviliges like LOCK. # So that I highly recommend to take your db backup manually. # ----------------------------------------- # VARIABLES : # (Change these three values as your needs) # ----------------------------------------- www_dir=/var/www/vhosts # Where is your web root path ? backups_dir=/backups # Which directory that you want to place the backup files ? download_dir=/root # A directory for download and extracting wp files # Don't change anything below DATE=$(date +"%m-%d-%Y") wp_package=$download_dir/latest.zip wp_origdir=$download_dir/wordpress domain_name=$1 nginx_confs=/etc/nginx/ apache_confs_deb=/etc/apache2/ apache_confs_rhel=/etc/httpd/ function isitOK() { while true do echo -n "Please confirm ==> [ Yes / No ]: " read isitOK case $isitOK in y|Y|Yes|yes|YES) break ;; n|N|No|NO|no) echo "Aborting..." exit ;; *) echo "Please type Yes or No" esac done echo "OK! Continue..." && sleep 1 } # Check if logged in as root printf "\nDid you run the script as root ?\n" && sleep 1 if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then printf "\nNeed to be logged in as root to continue... \nPlease run the script with root privileges." exit 1 fi printf "Yes you're root! Continue...\n\n" && sleep 1 # Check usage if [[ -z "$1" ]]; then printf "\nPlease provide the sitename that you want to update,\nand it's should be a part of the wordpress installation path like: /var/www/SITENAME/ This is the most important thing since the script will detect the old wp installation \ndirectory by using this value.\n Usage: ./wordpress_updater syslogs.org\n" && exit 0 fi # Detect the old wp root directory from the web server config files and set it as $wp_old_dir variable. printf "Detecting the old wordpress installation directory:\n" && sleep 2 # Detect the webserver's config file first webserver=$(netstat -antp |grep LISTEN |grep ":80" |awk '{print $7}' |cut -d/ -f2) if [ $webserver = apache2 ]; then http_conf_file=$(grep -r $domain_name $apache_confs_deb* |grep DocumentRoot |head -n 1 |awk '{print $1}' |tr -d ':') elif [ $webserver = httpd ]; then http_conf_file=$(grep -r $domain_name $apache_confs_rhel* |grep DocumentRoot |head -n 1 |awk '{print $1}' |tr -d ':') elif [ $webserver = nginx ]; then http_conf_file=$(grep -r $domain_name $nginx_confs* |grep "root " |awk '{print $1}' |tr -d ':' |head -n 1) fi # and than detect the wordpress installation path if [ $webserver = apache2 ]; then wp_old_dir=$(grep -r $domain_name $apache_confs_deb* |grep DocumentRoot |head -n 1 |awk '{print $3}') elif [ $webserver = httpd ]; then wp_old_dir=$(grep -r $domain_name $apache_confs_rhel* |grep DocumentRoot |head -n 1 |awk '{print $3}') elif [ $webserver = nginx ]; then wp_old_dir=$(grep -r $domain_name $nginx_confs* |grep "root " |awk '{print $3}' |tr -d ';' |head -n 1) fi # check $wp_old_dir and continue if it's exist. if [ -z "$wp_old_dir" ]; then printf "The old wp root dir couldn't be detected.\nProbably you didn't provide a correct sitename that mentioned on the usage section or your web server isn't running.\n Aborting...\n" && exit 1 else printf "Detected as $wp_old_dir\n" && sleep 0.5 && isitOK && sleep 0.8 fi if [ -f $wp_package ]; then printf "\nThere is an old version of wordpress zip package in the download directory. Removing...\n" && sleep 2 && mv $wp_package $wp_package.$DATE if [ -f $wp_origdir ]; then printf "\nThere is an unzipped wordpress directory that contains old version files in the download directory. Removing...\n" && sleep 2 && mv $wp_origdir $wp_origdir.$DATE else printf "\nDownloading the latest wordpress package...\n\n" && sleep 2 && wget http://wordpress.org/latest.zip -O $wp_package fi else printf "\nDownloading the latest wordpress package...\n\n" && sleep 2 && wget http://wordpress.org/latest.zip -O $wp_package fi # Check download wp_package_size=$(stat -c%s "$wp_package") if [ $wp_package_size -gt 10240 ]; then printf "Download completed...\n" && sleep 1 else printf "\nWordpress package couldn't be downloded... Please check your internet connection...\n" && sleep 1 && exit 1 fi # Extract the zip package printf "\nExtracting the package...\n\n" && sleep 1 && unzip $wp_package -d $download_dir && sleep 1 printf "\n------------------------------------------------------- In this section, the old (installed) and the new versions \nwill be detected to be sure. -------------------------------------------------------\n" && sleep 3 # Detect the old wp version by parsing the old version.php wp_old_version=$(cat $wp_old_dir/wp-includes/version.php |grep "wp_version =" |awk '{print $3}' |sed "s/[\;\']//g") wp_old_version=$(echo $wp_old_version) printf "\nYour old wordpress version is $wp_old_version\n" && sleep 0.5 && isitOK && sleep 0.5 # Detecting new wp version by parsing version.php wp_new_version=$(cat $wp_origdir/wp-includes/version.php |grep "wp_version =" |awk '{print $3}' |sed "s/[\;\']//g") wp_new_version=$(echo $wp_new_version) printf "\nThe new wordpress version is $wp_new_version\n" && sleep 0.5 && isitOK && sleep 0.5 # Set the new wp directory wp_new_dir=$www_dir/$domain_name-$wp_new_version.$DATE printf "\nand the new wordpress installation directory will be $wp_new_dir\n" && sleep 0.5 && isitOK && sleep 0.5 # Move the new wp directory to the production place with a proper name. printf "\nMoving the new wp directory to the production place as $wp_new_dir...\n" if [ -d $wp_new_dir ] then printf "Oooops.... The installation dir for the new version is already exist (which should not.) Probably you've run this script and interrupt it before its completion. Please review your directory structures and remove the new installation directory.\n" && sleep 2 && exit 1 fi mv $wp_origdir $wp_new_dir && sleep 2 # replace default wp_content directory with the customized one printf "\nReplacing the default wp_content directory with the old one...\n" && rm -rf $wp_new_dir/wp-content && cp -pr $wp_old_dir/wp-content $wp_new_dir/ && sleep 2 # Get the diff between the old and the new directories. printf "\nGetting the differencies between the old and the new wordpress directories\n" && sleep 2 diff=$(diff -rq $wp_old_dir $wp_new_dir |egrep -v "differ|wp-admin|wp-include|revisions-js.php|$wp_new_dir" |awk '{print $3 $4}' |tr ':' '/') # Copy the old customized files and folders to the new wp dir. printf "\nCopying custom files and folders to the new wp dir...\n" && sleep 2 for my_wp_files in $diff do target=$(echo $my_wp_files | sed "s#$wp_old_dir#$wp_new_dir#g") echo "cp -pr $my_wp_files $target" && sleep 0.2 cp -pr $my_wp_files $target done # Check if there is ant .htaccess file on wp-admin directory and copy it to the new wp-admin wpadminhtaccess=$(find $wp_old_dir/wp-admin -name ".htaccess") if [ -n $wpadminhtaccess ]; then sleep 0.2 && echo "cp -pr $wpadminhtaccess $wp_new_dir/wp-admin/" cp -pr $wpadminhtaccess $wp_new_dir/wp-admin/ fi sleep 2 ################################################## # Backup old wp dir and database to $backups_dir ################################################## printf "\n------------------------------------------------------- Backing up the old wordpress folder and the database -------------------------------------------------------\n" && sleep 3 # Create Backup Dir if [ -d $backups_dir ] then printf "\nBackups dir exist.\n\n" && sleep 0.8 else mkdir -p $backups_dir fi # Backup the old wordpress directory tar -czf $backups_dir/$domain_name-$DATE.tar.gz $wp_old_dir # Get db credentials from old wp-config.php wp_db_name=$(cat $wp_old_dir/wp-config.php |grep DB_NAME |awk '{print $2}' |sed -e s/\'//g -e s/\)//g -e s/\;//g) wp_db_user=$(cat $wp_old_dir/wp-config.php |grep DB_USER |awk '{print $2}' |sed -e s/\'//g -e s/\)//g -e s/\;//g) wp_db_password=$(cat $wp_old_dir/wp-config.php |grep DB_PASSWORD |awk '{print $2}' |sed -e s/\'//g -e s/\)//g -e s/\;//g) wp_db_host=$(cat $wp_old_dir/wp-config.php |grep DB_HOST |awk '{print $2}' |sed -e s/\'//g -e s/\)//g -e s/\;//g) wp_table_prefix=$(cat $wp_old_dir/wp-config.php |grep table_prefix |awk '{print $3}' |sed -e s/\'//g -e s/\)//g -e s/\;//g) wp_url=$(mysql -u $wp_db_user -p$wp_db_password -e "use ${wp_db_name}; SELECT option_value FROM ${wp_table_prefix}options WHERE option_name='siteurl'" |tail -n 1) # Check if mysqld alive check_mysqld=$(mysqladmin -u ${wp_db_user} -p${wp_db_password} ping) if [ "$check_mysqld" != "mysqld is alive" ]; then printf "\n\n MySQL'd does'nt work! We can't continue..\n Exit" exit 1 else # Get the db backup mysqldump -h $wp_db_host -u $wp_db_user -p${wp_db_password} $wp_db_name > $backups_dir/$wp_db_name.$DATE.sql if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then printf "\n It seems, we didn't take the db dump; probably your db user doesn't have enough privileges to take a dump.\nPlease backup your db manually...\n" isitOK sleep 1 else gzip -1 $backups_dir/$wp_db_name.$DATE.sql fi fi sleep 1 printf "\nAll files are backed up to $backups_dir \n" && sleep 2 printf "\n------------------------------------------------------- Now the new version of wordpress directory is in place (including your customized files) and the old directory path will be changed with the new one in your webserver config file.\n Here is a summary: Your old wordpress installation dir = $wp_old_dir New wordpress installation dir = $wp_new_dir Old wordpress version = $wp_old_version New wordpress version = $wp_new_version Old wordpress installation dir = $wp_old_dir New wordpress installation dir == $wp_new_dir -------------------------------------------------------\n" && sleep 3 isitOK # Change installation path in http conf file sed -i.orig -e s#$wp_old_dir#$wp_new_dir#g $http_conf_file # Set permissions if [ $webserver = apache2 ]; then chown -fR root:www-data $wp_new_dir find $wp_new_dir/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $wp_new_dir/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; chmod 775 $wp_new_dir/wp-content/uploads elif [ $webserver = httpd ]; then chown -fR root:apache $wp_new_dir find $wp_new_dir/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $wp_new_dir/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; chmod 775 $wp_new_dir/wp-content/uploads elif [ $webserver = nginx ]; then if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then chown -fR root:nginx $wp_new_dir elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then chown -fR root:www-data $wp_new_dir fi find $wp_new_dir/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; find $wp_new_dir/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; chmod 775 $wp_new_dir/wp-content/uploads fi # Reload http daemon to take the chnage effect if [ $webserver = apache2 ]; then /etc/init.d/apache2 reload elif [ $webserver = httpd ]; then /etc/init.d/apache2 reload elif [ $webserver = nginx ]; then /etc/init.d/nginx reload fi # and trigger db upgrade wget -q $wp_url/wp-admin/upgrade.php?step=1 -O /dev/null |
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Merhaba, ben wordpress kullanmıyorum ancak script bir çok kişinin işine yarar gibi fakat asıl sorunu öğrenmek isterdim tam olarak ne tür bir sorundan dolayı bu script’e ihtiyaç doğdu ve auto update ne gibi bir sorun çıkarıyor. Teşekkürler…
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Ayrıca bir kaç kere de auto update ile ilgili permission sorunu yaşamıştım.
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Ben bir türlü sevemedim o auto update olayını.